Tuesday, June 24, 2014

awk: functions

1. awk function basic
 #! /bin/bash  
 awk 'BEGIN{  
 #Following example demostrates that if passing in  
 #string variables, awk will take the copy instead  
 #of the reference, that is why v1, v2 at BEGIN section  
 #does not get changed even if they are changed inside  
   v1="Hello world!";  
   v2="Amazing world!";  
   res=func1(v1, v2);  
   print v1;  
   print v2;  
   print res;  
   #Hello world!  
   #Amazing world!  
 #Following example demostrates that if passing in  
 #array variables, awk will take the reference instead  
 #of the copy. Code in func2 installs 2 entries in   
 #the array, and it is reflected from the caller side.  
 #By the way, func2 does not return any value, so by   
 #default, the return value is empty string. But this  
 #is implementation dependent feature, in some other  
 #platforms, it may return numeric 0.  
   for(i in va)  
     print va[i];  
   print res;  
   #output: empty line  
 function func1(v1, v2)  
   return 100;  
 function func2(va)  

2. Management of Variables
A bad way:
 #! /bin/bash  
 #Variables name clashing is a big source for awk bugs  
 #For function, if it is using a variable whose name is  
 #not listed in arguments, then it is taken as global   
 #variable. If it is listed in arguments, awk will hide  
 #any global variables with same name  
 #At following example, we expect p not getting changed.  
 #After calling find_key, we want to print out the original  
 #string saved in "p". But p is used inside find_key, and  
 #it is taken as global variable, and value get changed there  
 #Its value is the last key in array.  
 awk 'BEGIN {  
   p="Hello world!";  
   key=find_key(va, "World");  
   print p;  
   print key;  
 function find_key(va, value)  
   for(p in va)  
     if(va[p] == value)  
       return p;  
   return "";  
A good way:
 #! /bin/bash  
 awk 'BEGIN {  
   p="Hello world!";  
   key = find_key(va, "world!");  
   print p;  
   print key;  
   #Hello world!  
 # We declare the p explictly so local variable  
 # p will hide the global one. And their value  
 # will not be clashed any more.  
 function find_key(va, value, p)  
   for(p in va)  
     if(va[p] == value)  
       return p;  
   return "";  

3. Recursive Function
Write a function to get the greatest common denominator
 #! /bin/bash  
 awk -v x=$1 -v y=$2 'BEGIN {  
   print "getMaxCd(",x,",",y,")=",r;  
 # We need to declare the "r" at the argument list to  
 # hide the global "r" variable  
 function getMaxCd(x, y,  r)  
   print x,"%",y;  
   r=x % y;  
   return (r==0)? y : getMaxCd(y, r);  

 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~$ ./script_1 10 4  
 10 % 4  
 4 % 2  
 getMaxCd( 10 , 4 )= 2  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~$ ./script_1 100 33  
 100 % 33  
 33 % 1  
 getMaxCd( 100 , 33 )= 1  

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