Hello world! Amazing world!
Aloha world! Ni Hao world!
#! /bin/bash
awk '{
sub("world","New York", $0);
print $0;
}' text
#Hello New York! Amazing world!
#Aloha New York! Ni Hao world!
#Replace the "world" by "New York", but just for
#one occurance
awk '{
sub("world", "New York");
print $0;
}' text
#Hello New York! Amazing world!
#Aloha New York! Ni Hao world!
#If not having the third parameter of sub, by default
#it will apply on $0, record itself
awk '{
gsub("world", "New York", $0);
print $0;
}' text
#Hello New York! Amazing New York!
#Aloha New York! Ni Hao New York!
#The only difference between sub and gsub is: gsub
#applies on all occurances of "world"
awk '{
gsub("world", "New York");
print $0;
}' text
#Hello New York! Amazing New York!
#Aloha New York! Ni Hao New York!
#If omiting the 3rd parameter, by default gsub will
#apply one $0, the record itself
awk '{
gsub("world", "&&");
print $0;
}' text
#Hello worldworld! Amazing worldworld!
#Aloha worldworld! Ni Hao worldworld!
#"&" represents another presence of the matched string
awk '{
gsub("world", "\&\&");
print $0;
}' text
#Hello &&! Amazing &&!
#Aloha &&! Ni Hao &&!
#Use back slash to disable the "&" feature and treat
#"&" literally
2. String splitting
Hello : world!
#! /bin/bash
awk '{
split($0, arr);
for(i in arr)
print arr[i];
}' text
#If ignoring the 3rd parameter of split, it will use
#FS variable as the separator to split the string and
#put each part into array
awk '{
split($0, arr, "[ ]");
for(i in arr)
print arr[i];
}' text
#We use the single white space as the separator, so
#the first string we get is the empty string
awk '{
split($0, arr, ":");
for(i in arr)
print arr[i];
}' text
# Hello
# world!
#We use the coln as the the separator, so it will
#separate the string into 2 parts separated by colon
echo =========
awk 'BEGIN {
len=split("Hello", arr, "");
print len;
for(i in arr)
print arr[i];
len=split("", arr);
print len;
#If using the empty string as the separator, it will just make
#each character as one entry in array.
#split's returning code is the length of array. If we give the
#empty string as the first parameter, then we will clear up the
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