Sunday, June 29, 2014

Unix Shell: List Files

1. list files 
 1) echo command can be used to print out the file names matching the given expression
 2) ls command can print out all files whose name starting with t
 3) ls command can port the result to command cat with pipeline
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo t*  
 test test1 test3  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls t*  
 test test1 test3  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls t* | cat  

2. list files in one column
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls -1  

3. list files not existed
1) ls need to ensure the given file exists
2) echo doesn't need to ensure that. If given file not exists, it will just 
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls k*  
 ls: cannot access k*: No such file or directory  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo k*  

4. Provide no files to list
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo *  
 2 test test1 test3  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls *  
 2 test test1 test3  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls  
 2 test test1 test3  

5. List Hidden Files
Hidden files are files whose name starts with "."(dot)
1) touch command is used to create temporary empty files
2) since all files are hidden, then "echo *" can't be used to echo all files, it will just take "*" as the string to print out
3) because all files are hidden, ls * will just files whose name is "*", and there is no such file
4) ls with nothing will just try to list all files, but nothing get found
5) But hidden files can be found by ".*", meaning any files whose names starting with a "."(dot). Besides three files created by touch, we also have following 2 files:
. : represents current directory
.. : represents the parent directory
6) The first line is a list of all hidden files, the 2nd and 3rd lines are content of "local directory" and content of "parent directory" , including all files/directories these places contain
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ touch .one .two .three  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo *  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls *  
 ls: cannot access *: No such file or directory  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ echo .*  
 . .. .one .three .two  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls .*  
 .one .three .two  
 h1 h2 xxdev  

6. List contents of directory itself
sometimes, when running "ls .*" or other similar commands, we don't want to list too much details of other directories, we just want to focus on current directory, we can use -d option
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls .*  
 .one .three .two  
 h1 h2 xxdev  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls -d .*  
 . .. .one .three .two  

7. List all files(including hidden files)
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls -a  
 . .. .one .three .two  
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls  

8. List files with more information
first column: first character: d means directory, - means ordinary file, l means symbolic links. Next 9 characters: file permissions for user, group and other. r: read, w: write, x: execution, - if the permission is absent.

2nd column:  link count. Only folder is a directory, it is pointing to another place.

3rd and 4th column: file owner and group

5th column: file size in bytes

6th 7th and 8th column: last modification time
 aubinxia@aubinxia-fastdev:~/Desktop/xxdev$ ls -l  
 total 4  
 drwxrwxr-x 2 aubinxia aubinxia 4096 Jun 29 15:23 folder  
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aubinxia aubinxia  0 Jun 29 15:22 test1  
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aubinxia aubinxia  0 Jun 29 15:22 test2  
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aubinxia aubinxia  0 Jun 29 15:22 test3  

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